

The purpose of the SIT is to provide input on and monitoring of SMART Goals (School Improvement Plan) for continuous improvement based on the District Strategic Goals (Scorecard), data, and feedback provided by the school and district-based teams such as the data teams, the Health and Wellness Committee, Social-Emotional Learning (SEL) teams, and the Multi-Tiered Systems of Support teams. Teams will provide voice and an avenue for communication from each building to their school community and the larger district community regarding progress toward our strategic goals and objectives. Teams will also be integral to the participatory governance of the school.


Per the Barrington Public Schools School Improvement Team Policy, each SIT is composed of the building principal and an appropriately balanced number of teachers, education support employees, special educators, family members, and community members.

The Nayatt School SIT for 2023-2024 is:

Lori Codega, Co-Chair (Grade 3)

Kim Spaight, Co-Chair (Math)

Cherylann Bertoncini, Head Teacher

Michelle Blanchette, Reading

Heidi Brousseau, Special Education

Terri Couto, MLL

Tara Cunningham, Grade 1

Denise Defanti, Kindergarten

Christine Giampietro, K Liaison

Terrie Kovolyan, Assessment Liaison

Nia Milman, Deep Learning Liaison

Julie Myszak, Instructional Coach

Cristen Smith, Grade 2

Jenifer Stafford, Instructional Coach

Fran Taft, Head Teacher

Kristen Antonio, Parent

Mimsey Cauley, Parent

Chris Dacey, Parent

Alejandra Pasillas, Parent

Jennifer Massotti, Community Member


SIT meetings are scheduled to take place once per month.

The next SIT meeting will take place on:

May 28, 2024 at 3:00 PM

Future meeting dates for the 2023-2024 school year: May 1, May 28, June 11

Previous meeting dates for the 2023-2024 school year: September 28, 2023; October 25, 2023; November 6, 2023; December 12, 2023; January 9, 2024; February 27, 2024; May 1, 2024

The March 2024 meeting originally scheduled for March 26 was canceled due to a scheduling conflict. The April 2024 meeting originally scheduled for April 30 was rescheduled for May 1.





  1. Promote a positive school culture and social-emotional learning by increasing favorable student and teacher responses in the area of Sense of Belonging by 3% - 5% on the Panorama Survey.

  2. Ensure success for every student and improve K-3 writing in alignment with the Science of Writing. Based upon a beginning of the year writing prompt, the percentage of students scoring proficient on the writing rubric will increase by 3% - 5%, or one level, in the areas of development and organization by the end of the school year. These student outcomes will be triangulated with ELA RICAS scores.

  3. Promote a culturally competent school culture by increasing favorable student and teacher responses in the area of Cultural Awareness by 3% - 5% on the Panorama survey.


SIT Initiatives for 2023-2024

RULER Curriculum Implementation

RULER SEL Professional Learning

Coaching in the Science of Writing

Cultural Competency Professional Learning

Cultural Competency Student Collaboration
