Nayatt News Update 2.26.2021
Empowering All Students to Excel
Animal research in Mrs. Bertoncini’s grade 2 library classes.
HAPPY 100th Day to Our Nayatt School Community:
100th Day Quotes-When asked what they would do with $100, Jacob Molloy in Mrs. Danielian’s class said, “I would buy a goat so my dad would not have to cut the grass!”
The MAC Blue teachers, Ms. Ferreira, Mrs. Kwolek, and Ms. Pereira made 100 Thank you cards for our custodians, Mr. John and Mr. Dave, to thank them for keeping our school so clean and safe.
Thanks to our BPS Administrative Staff, our principals, our amazing teachers and support staff, our teacher assistants, our custodians, our families, and our children, we have been in person learning for 100 Days!
We are so thankful and celebrated, many young learners have not returned to their schools to learn in person during the pandemic.
Kindergarten 100th Day Fashion Show.
BPS Student Success Strategic Goal Update:
The BPS Schools screen their students in ELA and Math, 3X per year, Fall Winter and Spring.
We participate in data review with our teachers and make decisions regarding our curriculum, instruction, interventions, and enrichment.
On Thursday evening, we shared our data with the School Committee to access our progress towards our Student Success Goal. Nayatt Winter Screening Data
Upcoming Events:
Nayatt PTO/Parent Workshop-March 1st-7 PM
On Zoom-PTO will send out the link.
RULER Social Emotional Anchor Tools-The Meta-Moment
Join Mrs. Learned to talk about how we are helping our children to visualize their best selves, practice mindfulness strategies, and to make good choices in stressful situations.
March 15th-Statewide Professional Learning Day for teachers and a distance learning day for students.
March 25th, end of Trimester 2.
March 29th, student progress reports posted in Aspen.
Mrs. Codega’s 3rd graders made and donated Friendship Bags to the Women’s Resource Center in Warren. They were filled with donated toiletries and books purchased with the students' Scholastic points.
Good Deeds at Nayatt School:
Nayatt School is a Feinstein Leadership School. We are Nayatt Jr. Scholars.
We pledge to support and help our community.
Learn more Feinstein Foundation
Celebrating Black History Month:
Mrs. Wescott’s third graders explored the 100 inventions of George Washington Carver on the 100th day.
Mrs. McLarnon’s Kindergartners have started each day of February singing, moving, and welcoming friends to the beat of Black People Who Changed the World.
Nayatt School Yearbooks:
See more great photos of our children in action in our Nayatt School Yearbook.
Created with Coffeepond with the help of our Nayatt PTO Yearbook Chair, Gretchen Corcoran.
Coffee Pond, click “order”, Nayatt Password-123dolphin
On sale through April 30th, $22, scholarships are available.
Nayatt School Lunch Order Form
Community News:
Have a great weekend!
Tracey Learned, Principal
Nayatt School, A Nationally Recognized Blue Ribbon School of Excellence, 2015